Monday, April 27, 2009
Misc. Monday: New Blog Name
Please vote on a new blog name for our family. (This will be our new web address on blogspot, not the header title once you get there). I have listed 4 choices to the right of the posting. Vote for the name you like the best. It has been brought to my attention that IF we ever had another baby and he happened to be a boy, I'd have to do this all over again. But that is a very big IF...
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wee-Ones Wednesday: Sisterly Love

Lilly sure loves Iris! We are very excited about the welcome Lilly gave her sister.
Here are some of the comments Lilly has said since bringing Iris home:
"Baby Iris is crying. I think she needs me!"
In a very low voice, "She's sooo cutie." "Where's Baby Iris?" "This is for Iris." (tons of stuffed animals piled on Iris). "Baby Iris wants to pet me." Baby Iris needs a kiss." After being outside with Dan, runs in the house yelling "Baby Iris, I missed you." When Iris cries, "It's ok, sister." "She wants to sit by me, Mama. She wants a noodle." Iris sneezed and Lilly ran to get her a tissue.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Misc. Monday: HELP!

I need some help. I am going to have to change the name of this blog now that I am more than "mama2lilly." I was thinking something with the words: garden, bouquet, bunch, flowers etc. I'm not sure. Please leave me a comment or send me an email if you can think of a fun new name for our family blog. Thank you. I'm sure we will come up with something!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Lilly Update
I have never seen a person as sick as Lilly was this week. As you know, it all started Monday. The last time she threw up was 12pm on Friday, and she appears to be on the mend. She is very interested in food now. Yay! We visited the doctor twice this week and talked to her on the phone three times. Lilly has lost quite a bit of weight and has purple bags under her eyes. It was very difficult for Dan and me to witness her demeanor change. Lilly is usually a very happy, active girl and she became a sad, lethargic patient. She was dead weight when held and even asked us at one point if she could laugh. It was heart breaking. Thank you for all your prayers and support. We definitely needed them.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Wee-Ones Wednesday: Mommyhood

It all started Monday when I was trying to get out the door with the girls. Penny and I were going to the mall and Iris had just projectile pooped on my hand when I got her cleaned up and in the car seat. On the way out the door, she threw up all over the seat and had to be changed. As I opened the car door, I hit Lilly in the head causing her to fall to the ground. I gave her a big hug and kiss and proceeded to hit her head on the roof of the car as I lifted her into her seat. Whoops! The girls were great at the mall. I wore Iris in a carrier and Lilly cooperated as Lilly does (walking, eating, running, fountain touching, whining, laughing, talking to strangers, riding in stroller, and asking for me to hold her with Iris). As we were getting ready to leave, Iris woke up demanding to be fed. We live close to the mall, so I wanted to wait until we got home to nurse her. The entire car ride home was filled with two screaming girls, one from starvation and one making fun of her sister.
After putting Lilly to bed that night, she hollered, "Mommy, come back. Daddddy!!" This is not unusual for her because she doesn't enjoy sleep as much as her parents do. After debating about "spoiling" her by going in, my mommy voice told me to check on her anyway. As I crawled into her bed, I felt a yucky mush. I yelled for Dan to turn on the lights only to see myself covered in vomit. Long story short, Lilly has the stomach flu. After a bath and clean sheets, she threw up again. I went to Target to get new bedding (we had to throw out 3 pillows). She wound up throwing up every hour for the next 12. Dan was going to work the next day, so I stayed on the couch with the girls, feeding Iris and cleaning Lilly all night long. She finally fell asleep at 4:30am. On the way to the doctor's office the next morning, she threw up in the car, in the office, and in the street in front of the house.
I apologize for the length of this entry, but I could have made it much longer! There are so many details that have been left out, like having to give her teaspoons of Pedialyte every 10 minutes so she wouldn't hurl and praying for a wet diaper in order to avoid an i.v. in the emergency room. It was a crazy 24 hours and this may not have been the maternity leave I imagined, but there is no where else I would want to be than taking care of my little girls. Mommyhood here I come!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Misc. Monday: He Has Risen!

We hope you had a blessed Easter yesterday. We enjoyed time with family, decorated & hunted eggs, went to church, flew kites, and put Baby Iris in an Easter basket. Lilly is really enjoying church. She knows that Jesus loves her, enjoys singing Bible songs, and looks adorable when she closes her eyes to pray. It's funny to think that Iris' due date was for tomorrow because she has become such a normal part of our lives already. I tried something new this year and made a jelly bean trail from Lilly's bedroom door to her Easter basket. She was soo excited when she came out of her room. She kept saying, "Look at the Christmas lights." I also decided that starting next year, I will put tooth brushes in their Easter baskets every year as a little gift from the "bunny" to go along with all that candy!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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