Monday, August 11, 2008

Misc. Monday: New Floor

We have hated our kitchen floor since we moved into our house 3 years ago. It was ugly, plain, textured (which held onto dirt so well) linoleum. Dan and I have been talking about changing it for a long time, and last week we did. We couldn't be happier! My planner of a husband, made an exact grid on the computer of the floors measurements, and I got to decide where each tile would go. It was fun and took me over an hour. The color placement does have a bit of a pattern to it, but it is row by row, not throughout the whole floor. I wanted it to look a little more whimsical and random. We are very pleased with how it turned out. One friend commented that it looks like its been there all along, and that's how it feels too.


Anonymous said...

i love it!!!! it looks so much like you both. good job guys!

Kristy Floyd said...

Adorable! I stared at the picture for about 2 minutes and still can't see the pattern. I'm hopeless. It looks great!