It appears that "michellesbelles" won for my new blog's address. (Nice job, Betsy!) I have started working on it, and will let you all know when it is up and running. In the mean time, here is a lovely pic of my girls.
What a little lady she is in this picture! I can't believe how grown up she is... you can really tell when you put those 2 girls together. And Iris looks so happy!
HE's got my whole world in HIS hands! I am so blessed to watch my babies grow. I am a lover of Jesus, my handsome husband & sweet girls (Lilly & Iris), my little man (Hendricks), coffee, crafting, gardens, teaching, fiction, and all things sweet. I don't enjoy reading recipes or patterns. I guess that's why the seam ripper is my favorite tool! Life goes too fast to scrapbook, so I had to give that up and start blogging. Thanks for visiting!
*You can visit my oldest daughter's blog at:
I love it!
What a little lady she is in this picture! I can't believe how grown up she is... you can really tell when you put those 2 girls together. And Iris looks so happy!
lets hope the big sister can always be so loving and gentle, for the sake of us all.
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