I'm certain a lot of "bloggers" out there never thought they would be doing this either. This is how it all started...Lately, I have decided to start crafting. I bought a Craft magazine at Michael's because I didn't need anything (yet I NEEDED to spend my 40% off coupon). I was intrigued, so I visited their website:
http://www.craftzine.com/ Once I was there, I was amazed by the blogs and references to other so-called crafters. I had a brand new sewing machine in my closet that I had asked for from my mom as a b.day gift 2 years ago. I always knew I liked to make things. I teach, scrapbook, painted a mural in my daughter's nursery and some silly wall art hanging in our living room, and love decorating magazines... Once I started visiting blogs of other moms and crafters, I was hooked. They are soo inspiring. My goal for this year is to give some sort of handmade birthday gift to the special people in our lives.
Another big part of this blog will of course be my lovely daughter, Lilly. She is my true inspiration, a gift from GOD. As the song goes, He has my whole world in His hands. She makes me see just how beautiful this world really is, just by smiling in my direction and running my way. There is no one I'd rather look at. Although, her father is a close runner-up.